
  商品編號: 26623
  商品名稱: Trey Ratcliffes HDR Video Tutorial 圖片修飾教學 英文版
  語系版本: 繁體中文
  運行平台: Windows
  更新日期: 2019-01-02
  光碟片數: 1片
  銷售價格: $200元
Trey Ratcliffes HDR Video Tutorial 圖片修飾教學 英文版

HoneRiSO Apps 
軟體名稱: Trey Ratcliffes HDR Video Tutorial 
語系版本: 英文版 
光碟片數: 單片裝(單面 DVD) 
保護種類: 無保護 
破解說明: 無 
系統支援: 適用所有支援播放 M4V(MPEG 4) 檔案的作業系統 
硬體需求: 適用所有支援播放 M4V(MPEG 4) 檔案的作業系統 
軟體類型: 圖片修飾教學 
更新日期: 2013.06.11 
軟體發行: Trey Ratcliffes(J.GTiSO) 
官方網站: http://www.stuckincustoms.com/hdr-video-tutorial 
中文網站: 無 
軟體簡介: (以官方網站為準) 
由 Trey Ratcliffes 公司推出的教學 HDR Video Tutorial 
Trey Ratcliff 
11 個小時 
章節 1 
Challenging your photography premises 
Need for deep photography knowledge 
Getting outside of the photography bubble 
The magic of HDR photography 
Overview of Treys workflow 
章節 2 
The experience of learning together 
How to use auto-bracketing 
Setting up your Nikon or Canon 
Proper settings for taking the photos 
Bracketing versus RAW files 
章節 3 
How and why to share your photos online 
How to take criticism and how what to expect 
Balancing technical and artistic sides 
Photo critiques and double tone-mapping demo 
Wide angle and chromatic aberration discussion 
章節 4 
Layers and post-processing 
Pixel Peeping, chromatic aberration & noise 
How the eye works and Photomatix gets it right 
Where Photomatix breaks down 
We remember impressions rather than photos 
章節 5 
Composition and setting up for shots 
Using color in composition 
Wide angle and lens choice for composition 
Creating and cropping a too-wide photo 
How do you get rid of noise at night 
章節 6 
How to not be intimidated 
How most people in the world are pretending 
Pros and cons of Photomatix 
Photomatix processing sessions 
Getting into the “flow” of photography 
章節 7 
Learning by guessing, trying & making mistakes 
My forest image discussed 
Three demos using several different tools 
Batch processing in LightRoomo 
Putting a Nikon lens on a Canon body? 
章節 8 
The business of photography 
Sharing your work with the community 
The good kind of stress 
Three demos of various lighting conditions 
Color correction after Photomatix? 
章節 9 
Explanation of the forest photo 
Correcting the Louvre photo 
Discovering new ideas by examining other photos 
Three demos showing advanced techniques 
Detailed Q&A session 
不含 RAW 圖片